The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

Worship Production 101

⊆ 12:00 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Throughout time and spread out over many cultures is the simple face that everyone worships God differently. Some do it quietly, others loud; some worship in a simple environment, others admidst extravagance; some worship privately, others worship publicly. All of these are good. They benefit those who participate and they glorify God.
In this series of blogs I will be seeking to focus on one aspect of worship. That which happens with technology and production. That is worship though strategic lighting, color schemes, stage design, video projection, and audio production.
I am not saying this is the way everyone partcipates in, or is even by all in its end form, but it is enjoyed, and participated in by some. My hope is that peace would be made for those who are frustrated by it and tolerance formed.
Going into those blogs without the context of how I am involved could be done, but I choose to share it anyhow.
I became introduced with producing an environment that aids in corporate worship in Hillsboro, OR at Alliance Bible Church when my youth gruop decided to paint our room to something that we enjoyed, making the room more comfortable for us, while also glorifying God through art. Later I would become the "Sound Guy" and even go on to do that in the adult service also learning lights.
When I started college in 2002 I stopped doing these things until 2005 when I joined the worship staff as an intern and production assistant at Neighborhood Church of Redding. In my current role at neighborhood I have had to learn how to create suitable lighting for corporate worship, teaching, and special evenst. I have learned to design staging and studied colors and how they relate to the God-designed human psyche.
I have learned much, and my hope is to share what I have learned as well as provide a biblical parallel with it.

Thank you and Enjoy the series.



I Lead a Double Life

⊆ 3:23 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

It's true folks, I do indeed lead a double-life. In one life I am smiling, pretty-light making, latte steaming Zach Tanksley. Who spends his online time blogging away the little things in life. But there is a much different side to me in my life.

This side is....


Hcaz is well about half my height, has a much crazier beard, and goes around killing stuff with a giant hammer. Yes he is a dwarven paladin in the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) World of Warcraft made by Blizzard Software. I am truly leading a crazy life in there with my own set of friends and even part of a larger group of friends in a guild. I do pay money to lead this double-life, but its fun, and much better than other internet addictions. So to all my friends on the "Bronzebeard" server, lets go kill stuff!


Academics or the Real World?

⊆ 2:00 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

I find myself in a bit of a quandary. A good friend of mine said the other day "the higher the academic degree, the more stupid people become [regarding real people]." This prompted me to wonder where I fall, I mean I am an academic. I love the works that academics have produced, and I believe being an academic has a place in the world. So what do I do when I realize that I need to be both intelligent in what I know and share, as well as be grounded in the real world, realizing that every day concerns are the ultimate reality?
My greatest faer is that as I continue my goal of researching further into the ways of God and developing my own theories along the way, that I will lose sight of the poeple I am trying to teach in lieu of the search for knowledge. Because if I have all the knowledge in the world of God, but have not love for others around me, those words will simply fall upon deaf ears yes?
I want to be intelligent, but I want to love others around me as well, can I have my cake and eat it too?
Thoughts for this young man to ponder.



Benefits of a "Yes" Attitude

⊆ 10:53 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

This week I have had to do a lot of work, more than I normally do between both my jobs, but I have to say in the end I think it was worthwhile to say "yes" to all the extra work I had to do.

With Starbucks I happened to be sitting down with an old manager of mine talking shop when she found out her opener wasn't going to arrive the next morning because she was stuck out of state, my manager asked, and I said "yes" I would come in on my day off and open the store for them. It was a blast! I got to work with lots of old friends and make some extra money too! Last night I dropped by that same store to investigate a beverage I wanted after closing my own store, as well as ask about some promotion stuff, and it turned out I was needed to help close the store as well. So I said "yes" and conce again was rewarded with a fun and entertaining close as I got to help lead the tasks for the night (and btw promotion may very well be in sight).

The other thing I had to say "yes" to was when we decided to make some changes in the church staging that I had already changed the day before. It was somewhat frustrating to have to rework my previous labor, but the end result was so worthwhile, I am waiting for pics. We ended up doing an intimate time of worship with candles and low lighting, black cloth everywhere, it was AMAZING. It was so good to see the congregation respond to the minimalist band we had and to hear their voices rise in praise to God. So GOOD!

So in the end, putting myself aside, and jsut working more proved to be an excellent time of friendship and praise to God. UPdates coming on pics, and poromotion journey.


The Saturn Returns!

⊆ 4:45 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

So it isn't Superman... as a matter of fact is more like Ghetto-Man... But the Saturn has returned aparently though my battery was in tip top shape according to voltometers it was not so happy internally, arcing, and boiling over, hence shorting itself out. The guys at Bailey's Motors gave me a new battery, charged me way less than auto parts stores, gave me some great conversation and sent me on my way telling me to come back fi I had any problems with the new battery. So props to them. So once again I am no longer borrowing cars but traveling around in mine. Also it needs some TLC so I am off to that, I will take some before and afters so you can understand why I am such a bad car owner.


Neighborhood SummerFest 06 a Success!

⊆ 2:13 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

As if there was any doubt that an event put on by such a faithful and determined staff could fail. Though the numbers are not yet tallyed it was amazing tto see such an awesome turnout at this outreach/worship service. There was a blend of all 3 worship styles from the 3 different worship venues (The Well, Celebration, Classic). An amazing time of worship to see so many gathered outside in the sun to worship God!

Not only that but there was lots of good ribs for everyone to eat. I got to eat a variety of ribs as I was a jduge for the rib cookoff. So mine were free and extra delicious. Special thanks to the San Francisco Deli for making theser ribs though!

That is a lot of ribs. Yum. Not only that but we also had local bands "Blameless Child" and "Constancy" Playing some sets for us as well! They did an swesome job and you should really check out their music. Links will be up soon!

And finally I had the assistance of my good friend SuperMatt one more time.

So all in all a great success for Neighbor Church oF redding, and now it is off to go work another 6 hours today at the BUX!