Neighborhood SummerFest 06 a Success!
As if there was any doubt that an event put on by such a faithful and determined staff could fail. Though the numbers are not yet tallyed it was amazing tto see such an awesome turnout at this outreach/worship service. There was a blend of all 3 worship styles from the 3 different worship venues (The Well, Celebration, Classic). An amazing time of worship to see so many gathered outside in the sun to worship God!
Not only that but there was lots of good ribs for everyone to eat. I got to eat a variety of ribs as I was a jduge for the rib cookoff. So mine were free and extra delicious. Special thanks to the San Francisco Deli for making theser ribs though!
That is a lot of ribs. Yum. Not only that but we also had local bands "Blameless Child" and "Constancy" Playing some sets for us as well! They did an swesome job and you should really check out their music. Links will be up soon!
And finally I had the assistance of my good friend SuperMatt one more time.
So all in all a great success for Neighbor Church oF redding, and now it is off to go work another 6 hours today at the BUX!