The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

I Lead a Double Life

It's true folks, I do indeed lead a double-life. In one life I am smiling, pretty-light making, latte steaming Zach Tanksley. Who spends his online time blogging away the little things in life. But there is a much different side to me in my life.

This side is....


Hcaz is well about half my height, has a much crazier beard, and goes around killing stuff with a giant hammer. Yes he is a dwarven paladin in the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) World of Warcraft made by Blizzard Software. I am truly leading a crazy life in there with my own set of friends and even part of a larger group of friends in a guild. I do pay money to lead this double-life, but its fun, and much better than other internet addictions. So to all my friends on the "Bronzebeard" server, lets go kill stuff!