The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

Feeling Better Already

⊆ 8:38 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

So I know I asked you to ask me last night. But I have to say I am feeling so refreshed now from my quiet times. Not because I have managed to do them for 2 consecutive days (which is an accomplishment) but because I have managed to not give them a time limit.

Twice now for 2 hours I have sat listening to my ipod, studying my hebrew, journaling... (no reading this morning, waiting for Karina to catch up, she started a different book on accident) and praying. And the vast majority of this is definitely the hebrew. Even though it is just relearning the alphabet (which was still in my head for the most part) and the vowels (those too), my transliteration is feeling better then it did when I was a 4th semester Hebrew student translating text. So I am really stoked to see where these studies go. I will try and share what I am studying as far as Hebrew.

Anyways, going to check out Karina's folks church today with them. Time to wake her up now I think... pray for me.

btw... I still love Kenya coffee from Starbucks


Getting back on track

⊆ 11:27 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

I suck at quiet times. I get them started, then I fall off. Normally I would make excuses about how busy I am, or how I can never find something to study or be worth my while. Etc. etc. etc... It is very lame. So I have started again. And I need your help.

I am employing mass accountability. I need you to ask me what is going on with them. I can tell you what I am doing in general.

I am reading "The Power of a Praying Husband". I am journaling. I am praying. And I am relearning ancient Hebrew.

And I am doing it every morning at 6:15am.

So please, help a brother out. Ask me about it so I can give you an answer.


31 hours till you can save a life

⊆ 1:33 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Or more... and the best part is you can choose which lives to save.

Better yet, you get to do that and get lots of sweet mac software. Check em out!

That's right go take a look at MacHeist and help save a life.

I have done this for the past 2 bundles and I always end up using enough software to justify the 50 dollars spent. Even if I didn't use the software knowing I was saving a life somewhere always seemed enough to me.


God as a Product

⊆ 4:22 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Sometimes I feel like when I am trying to explain who God is, I am the stereotypical East-Indian customer service representative trying to speak what I think is perfect English to someone who is hearing it with extreme difficulty and irritation.

Its like I have a Christian accent... and it is thick.

So everything I say, though well-intentioned, comes out muddy and garbled, and all I get in response is "What...? Can you say that again?" And that is what I do, I say it word for word again, and it just starts a vicious circle till someone throws their hands in the air in frustration.

And the problem is, I don't look at the problem from the angle of the consumer. The one who is checking out the issue. I don't think about the fact that the problem isn't what I am saying, but that I am not thinking to articulate it in a way that the consumer understands it. I am just trying to put the right words out that I have been told to say and that by all accounts should work.

But it does not work. They do not understand a word that I am saying.

They don't get the product I am trying to sell them, or to help them understand the problems they are dealing with it.

I mean if you think about this seriously. We live in a consumer era, and people are getting very frugal, very picky about what they buy. Things are expensive. And God is a product that we not only have to sometimes make a cold sell on, but also demonstrate he is worthwhile for those who are skeptical. So when we attempt to show them how great this product is, in this case God, we don't think to come at it from their perspective. Yet somehow with everything else as Christians we love, we can portray it with crystal-like clarity.

I am as guilty of this as anyone. I can dictate the dessert list from the restaurant I work with in such a way that those who were not interested in a chocolate souffle are suddenly craving it. The sad thing is, I don't like desserts, much less chocolate. Yet I can be more informative of these desserts than I can be about God who I am very passionate about.

NOTE: I know I am passionate about my God and His message of salvation.

Now what I am going to say sounds crazy, but I have a theory. I have to sell God like I sell a dessert to someone who already feels like they have everything they need. I actually have no idea if this will work or not, but I am going to try anyways. I have a good feeling though.

I am going to actually get to know the person I am trying to share God with. Then I am going to think about them and pray for them and their needs. Then I am going to think about how I should show them God in such a way that they might see as pragmatic or atleast allowable. Then I will encourage them, then I will hopefully make the sale.

Because that is what I do with desserts. I talk to the people and find out how their feeling. Then I pick a dessert I think they will like based on how hungry they are feeling and what they might pair with their meal so that is something agreeable to their stomach. Then I ask if I can share a method to enjoy something that they might not have earlier considered (maybe they just want peaches and yogurt because the souffle seems too rich) and then I go for it.

And they say no alot. And they say yes alot. It's hit and miss, but they are not confused about what I am offering them. They are informed and have made an informed decision.

So what you should get out of this Christians... Is that these people may not be understanding your well-intentioned message. So stop, look around, and listen. yes listen to your friend/colleague/family/complete stranger. Find out what they are looking for and make a clear connection to what you have to offer. And when they are understanding offer to help them have the ultimate dessert.


New Addition to the Family... of sorts

⊆ 6:41 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Back when I was a freshman in college, I was studying music and was realizing my PC was having a lot of issues. It was a custom built HP tower and it had started crashing atleast once a day. So with the help of my parents I ordered my first mac... a 15" Titanium Powerbook G4. And I totally fell in love with mac.

Then one day I did not realize the zipper had broken on my backpack and when I pulled my bag off my top bunk and as the bag came down the powerbook slid out and hit the tiled entrance to my dorm and pretty much busted the powerbook to near unusability. So I had to suffer two losses, one of my dear powerbook, and then another 1k or so and purchased the cheapest laptop I could... from mac... a 12" iBook G4.

I mamanged not to destroy that one, and when I graduated from college my family purchased me a Intel powered 20" iMac, and I was in computing heaven.

Then there was tragedy again, during my time house-sitting for a friend, the house was broken into and my iMac stolen back during thanksgiving. But grace visited me again in the form of a monetary gifting that Karina and I both decided to put towards getting a desktop computer again. So now we have a 20" iMac Intel Core Duo 2. Woot!


Something new is coming.... Apple

⊆ 8:53 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

I went to check an order on a product I have coming from Apple and this is what I was greeted by.

I knew there was a convention going on but what could this mean?
