The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

New Addition to the Family... of sorts

Back when I was a freshman in college, I was studying music and was realizing my PC was having a lot of issues. It was a custom built HP tower and it had started crashing atleast once a day. So with the help of my parents I ordered my first mac... a 15" Titanium Powerbook G4. And I totally fell in love with mac.

Then one day I did not realize the zipper had broken on my backpack and when I pulled my bag off my top bunk and as the bag came down the powerbook slid out and hit the tiled entrance to my dorm and pretty much busted the powerbook to near unusability. So I had to suffer two losses, one of my dear powerbook, and then another 1k or so and purchased the cheapest laptop I could... from mac... a 12" iBook G4.

I mamanged not to destroy that one, and when I graduated from college my family purchased me a Intel powered 20" iMac, and I was in computing heaven.

Then there was tragedy again, during my time house-sitting for a friend, the house was broken into and my iMac stolen back during thanksgiving. But grace visited me again in the form of a monetary gifting that Karina and I both decided to put towards getting a desktop computer again. So now we have a 20" iMac Intel Core Duo 2. Woot!