The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

Feeling Better Already

So I know I asked you to ask me last night. But I have to say I am feeling so refreshed now from my quiet times. Not because I have managed to do them for 2 consecutive days (which is an accomplishment) but because I have managed to not give them a time limit.

Twice now for 2 hours I have sat listening to my ipod, studying my hebrew, journaling... (no reading this morning, waiting for Karina to catch up, she started a different book on accident) and praying. And the vast majority of this is definitely the hebrew. Even though it is just relearning the alphabet (which was still in my head for the most part) and the vowels (those too), my transliteration is feeling better then it did when I was a 4th semester Hebrew student translating text. So I am really stoked to see where these studies go. I will try and share what I am studying as far as Hebrew.

Anyways, going to check out Karina's folks church today with them. Time to wake her up now I think... pray for me.

btw... I still love Kenya coffee from Starbucks