The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

A Kick in the Pants

⊆ 8:38 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

This week I will be instituting my First "Day of the Week is for Subject." It will not be as good as the ones that will follow it, but it will be something. My Theme based Day will be "Thursdays is for Theology". I have come to the realization through a comment by one of my readers that I have not been true to my passions, dreams, or even my degree, and so because of this I will be makign a disciplined attempt to provide some theological insight every Thursday. Why Thursday you ask? because both it and Theology start with "Th" and because Thursday's are highly underrated. So for all you thirsty theologians, Thursday is for you.

Thanks and I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you.



Starbucks wants my Art!

⊆ 4:22 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

So I have received confirmation from a local Starbucks that they are going to feature my art in May! This is pretty exciting stuff. I know you guys have seen my art up before. But because I love to share it with you here are all 8 pieces that are going up.


I love these pictures because all these flowers all had their little flaws, but their colors were so vibrant that it did not take much to really enhance them. Throw down a couple filters and a couple other magic tricks, and walah these are some very fun and beautiful pieces.

Energy EscapismPassive AggressiveCalm and CollectRustic Charm

These "warhol"esque guitars were a random inspirational venture when I just grabbed my guitar and went around the apartment shooting it against different backgrounds ranging from a bookshelf, the bathroom counter, the entertainment center, and even the kitchen sink! No actual filters were applied to these, rather I just adjusted their color and contrast levels and this is what they became. I love them.

Well enjoy and come mid-may if you are in Redding come check out the E. Cypress Starbucks and see them, even better, buy some prints :D



The morning newspaper killed my morning

⊆ 8:38 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

I am distraught to a small degree. Every morning I wake up at 6am, I shower, get dressed, check my e-mail, then head off to my favorite starbucks for my grande coffee in a mug, buy the local paper, and I do the SuDoKu, Crossword Puzzle, and Word Jumble, if I have time before work I do the word search to satisfy the little kid in me.

This morning I had a lil bonus: Coffee wasn't brewed yet, so they gave me an Americano for the price of a coffee... 30 cent savings baby.
Sat down and ground through the SuDoKu. Got tired with it, switched over to the crossword puzzle to give my brain a break from numbers. As I am attempting to do the crossword puzzle (which I know I will probably not finish) I see a puzzle hint that excited the Hebrew scholar in me 24D was "Peace" Salutation... my minds reaction... "Shalom" so I throw it in.... yay for me! 47A's 2nd letter "to preserve a corpse" goes across the "m" in shalom ... "Embalm!" I throw it in so far so good. Letters are working out until I start working back up vertically for shalom and I find two clues that go across at the wrong places. In order for them to work "shalom" would have to be spelled "shlaom" and i was depressed so I went back to the SuDoKu. I finish the SuDoKu only to find out that the puzzle is unsolveable even for my computer. So I am pretty sure that the people who did todays puzzles are idiots. And now I cannot be satisfied from my morning routine... I need another coffee now.


Weighing In

⊆ 5:00 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

So I have decided to make some dietary cuts for the rest of the year. This is not gonna be fun, but when you realize you are gaining more weight then you are losing, something has got to go. So what is going to go for me?

  1. Fast Food (I am not ordering anything, not even a salad there)
  2. Soda (12:00:01 January 1, 2008 with my Martinelli's will be my next)
  3. Junk Food (Good-bye Doritos)
  4. Hopefully about 30 lbs. (I want to get under 190lbs)
So we will see what happens. Will keep you posted



Another Look

⊆ 4:55 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

So I decided to tweek a few html settings, as well as redesign a new banner. Hope you all enjoy the new look. For other banners I have created feel free to check out the PUB Ministry Blog as well as James Gregory's Site
