Dreams, Passion, and Chances
I have many dreams, and a couple passions.
My first and foremost passion is both broad and narrow. In simplistic definition it is to make ignorant Christians informed Christians. I don't like watching people unknowingly or even worse knowingly and willingly become narrow-minded. It pains my soul to watch people proclaim a theology that is uninformed and in many cases, wrong. To sit down and help educate Christians is one of my greatest joys in life. It is why I eventually ended up with a degree in Bible and Theology.
My second passion, which is lightly less intense is something of an offshoot of my first passion. It is to bring the time of Corporate Worship back into a fully sensual event. Where every sense (sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, spirit) can be touched. It is why I have found myself in worship production.
Chances... Sometimes I see them, sometimes I don't, sometimes I say yes to them, and sometimes I have to say no to them.
I would list the chances I haven't seen, but then it would defeat the concept of having not seen them. So I mourn for those, but press on anyways.
The chances I have turned down are fairly few. One in particular stands out. If I had accepted an offer from Rev. Jim Purves Ph.D in Edinburgh Scotland, I would be living in Edinburgh right now, I would have been studying at a seminary in Prague gaining a Masters Degree in Contemporary Theology, but the concept did not weigh well in my heart, and so I turned it down. Part of me is sad because of this, but ultimately I would never have realized my full potential in Production so I stand happy of this decision ultimately.
The chances I have said yes to are present. The chance for me to go to college and get a degree, I do not regret this. The chance to take on a part time position at Starbucks and enhance my Customer Service skills I said yes to, and I do not regret entirely, just the early mornings :-). The chance to be a part of worship production at NCR I do not regret it is amazing.
The chance that may lie before me. There is potential for a full time production position to happen. My dreams could be realized in this. But I must wait and see if it happens. And if it is created I must go through the process of hiring. This is why I must view this as a potential chance. But my hopes remain strong.
Have any of you my readers had chances at a dream? What happened?