Coffee of the Week: Starbucks "Cafe Estimá"
I have decided to Begin a new weekly series of posts based on tasting some great black coffees out there. I am a long time Starbucks fan so a lot of my coffee postings will probably be based on them, but I am sure I will squeeze in a few from some other roasters. Coffees will be reviewed on 4 principals: Their background, aroma, taste, and body.
But introducing the Coffee of the Week! Starbucks "Cafe Estimá".
Background: This is Starbucks only official "Fair Trade" Blend. Hence making it a bit of a source of controversy because only one Fair Trade coffee is bought by the world largest purveyor of gourmet coffees. I am sure Starbucks has its reasons, but at least this one is represented well. The blend boasts a hearty combination of arabica beans coming from both Latin America and East Africa.
Aroma: A Brief whiff of this coffee brings out its nutty qualities, particularly an almond element. It also has some cocoa esque qualities to it.
Taste: This is a resoundingly sweet coffee. It rests nicely on the front of the tongue but also plays on the slightly herbal side setting the taste buds on the side of the tongue as well. The nutty qualities are smoothed out by its cocoa flavors and presents a sweet almost tangy coffee.
Body: Held as a "Bold" blend by Starbucks this coffee does have a strong body but not one that sits heavy at all. It presents itself with a strong almost acidic front but rests evenly after a second. After it has been enjoyed it leaves a pleasant aftertaste.
So here is my two cents. I am not usually a fan of Latin American Coffees, they are usually to acidic for me, making a very bright flashy start that leaves my taste buds reeling, but because of the nutty East African qualities the flavor is smoother, and more bearable. The aroma is pleasant, something that would probably lure me out of bed on an early morning, and the body is not as heavy as I would like it, but not unenjoyable. My rating then is:
3 Mugs! Not the Best, But Not the Worst! Give it a shot at a local Starbucks.