He is shaking me up again
God, yah he is up to something again.
He is reminding me of my passions that he revealed to me. Those of academia, and teaching, and helping find those who are being taught a story based understanding of the bible and giving them context. I have begun to ponder that if in a while I should look at going into full-time ministry. A while being at least a year if not more out. I don't know because I love my job. I get to meet amazing people, show off some amazing food and drink. So for now, it is just a thought in my head. Maybe God is just kicking my butt about not doing anything at all with what he showed me. I haven't done anything academic in a year or so. I am thinking I need to lead a small group or something, but I can't add that to my plate with all the Wedding Planning going on.
I wish life wasn't so confusing. Or maybe I am just so blind I can't see what is going on. Or so busy.