The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be


God I am super stressed right now, I trust you, but at the same time I fret, I worry, I want to be free of this. But at the same time I have all these bills that need to get paid, I need reassurance that they will get paid. Please God, help me. Give me reassurance, my heart desperately needs it right now. It feels like it is going to fall apart, I need to know that you have doors opening for me. The walls are closing in on me, my stress is claustrophobic in nature. I feel like I am overcome with doubt, as though this setback is larger than life. Please God, you are good, you love me, please open a door. Open a door now, I speak out in faith to you, I believe you will bring that door open for me. That you will reveal the path that leads me away from this state of being that I am in right now. You are the God of hope, the God of peace, I need both of those right now. I need those aspects of you to bring forth into my life. You are so good God, I need that goodness, I need your praises to be abundant in me, I need you to proclaim your blessings over me. I want to be recognized as your child with whom you have such a great plan for. I just don’t see them right now.

I believe in you, now please help my disbelief.