Of Complements and Catalysts (Secular)
com·ple·ment n
1. something that completes or perfects something else
2. either of two things that form a unit
I believe that there are times in life when we receive a complement or two. Those of course that abide by the definition above, and not to be confused with a compliment or two, you know, nice words. These complements never leave us, there affects are continual, and reside with us forever, at least, in order for them to be effective. Should a complement be removed, we find ourselves, lacking, and well imperfect.
I think, since I cannot know, yet, that those who are married to the one whom they truly love, have found their total complement. That one that balances them, that tempers, and perfects them. This relationship is actually mutually complementing, since the perfecting, balancing, tempering goes both ways. I wish I could say more, but I am not married, yet.
This though, can also be said to be found to a lesser degree in the "best friend." Since there are times when we receive someone in our lives, who we are not intended to marry, and yet still they have a profound impact on the way our lives go, the way we develop, mature, and contribute to our own and others lives. I have one of these, he is named for the purpose of this blog "Ben" and well, we have been friends since I followed him home on his first day at my school in the 3rd grade. Over time he has been a complement to me, walking alongside me yet also pushing me to toughen up here and there, stand up for myself, and teaching me how to take a jab physically and emotionally. I think it is safe to say that I became outgoing because Ben started the process to make me so, and has remained a steadfast friend to this day.
Then there are something totally different a...
cat·a·lyst n
1. a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any change
2. somebody or something that makes a change happen or brings about an event
Catalysts appear throughout our lives, we don't really realize what they are doing till well after the fact normally. These can be found in the people who only appear for a short time for one reason or another, but who have tremendous impact on the lives, so tremendous it can be called "life-changing." I would say every person receives a lot of these people. I think I can say that I have had close to 20 catalysts in my life of varying degrees of influence. These are called... School Teachers.
But even greater than them (no disrespect, I loved my teachers) are those who reach into us on a personal level. Who very words and actions ingrain themselves into the core of our being, not just affecting the way we think about life, but the very way we experience it. For the purpose of this blog, I will refer to one such catalyst by the name of "Sarah." This catalyst has broken through barriers that I placed both high and thick regarding issues of spirituality. They have forced me to take on a new perspective and embrace things I never would have expected. Sarah brought me past looking at the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit" and "Walking in Power" as only for those who God occasionally gifts with magnificent displays of glory to the concept that we can walk in both of these on a more subtle level, embracing them as a part of being the host of Christ within. A difficult style of thinking for a young man who grew up in a very conservative non-"signs and wonders" church. This thinking has gotten me to a place where I feel comfortable in my own "spiritual" skin. Not shedding it to be safe from my fears, but to live in the risk of partaking in glory.
This is the Catalyst.
See the next Blog for a further dive into the world of Catalysts and Complements.