Philosophy and Theology?
I have been reading through a college textbook again (I know I am the most exciting person you know) The subject I read on was regarding how the early church fathers viewed philosophy and its relationship to theology.
- 1st century: Paul found the unnamed god and presented him as the God.
- 2nd century: Justin Martyr felt that Platonian Philosophy could share common roots with Christianity in that the word "logos" meaning word to the Greeks, and then Christianity having the fulfillment of "Logos" in Christ. The earliest wisdom being spread in the seeds of "logos" being completed and perfected in Christ's coming.
- 3rd century: Tertullian and Clement went in opposite directions. Tertullian asking, "What then do Athens and Jerusalem have in common?" and Clement all but saying that Philosophy was simply a very indirect method to get to the main road that is the Bible.
- 4th century: Augustine felt that if there were common truths between philosophy and theology you take them and discard the rest. The practical thinker he was :)
The big question today is... Where do we stand?