I just woke up from one of those dreams...
You know the ones you don't wanna wake up from? Maybe this shows how far my love of photography goes, but I was dreaming that all of this photography equipment I have been wanting was suddenly being delivered to me I mean we are talking about the Canon Lenses I want, the tripods, flahses, a macbook pro, and then after these came a small envelope with tickets to Romania and a letter explaining me to photograph and document what is happening over in Romania as far as the epidemic of AIDS is concerned there and of the overfilled orphans from parents who do not want AIDS children in their homes... Karina is really rubbing off on me, in a good way for sure. I really did not want to wake up from the dream, so I am currently a bit angruy at myself for setting the alarm that woke me up this morning. Anyways yeah thanks for reading about my crazy dream.