$80,000 paid for a college education and a degree in Bible and Theology. Crazy Huh. Number 1 question I get, "So you are gonna be a pastor?" My consistent answer, "No." Follow up question "So why did you get the degree?" My consistent answer, "to take ignorant Christians and make them informed Christians." This leaves them somewhat baffled as to why I don't consider pastorship. I have come to realize why after beginning a journey through a wonderful book by Senior Blogginator and Governator of the Blogosphere Hugh Hewitt. The Book? In But Not of A Guide to Christiam Ambition and the Desire to Influence the World. After reading this book I have come to realize that I do not desire to be a Leader of the Church, but rather, a Leader within the Church.
This is to say that I do not want to be a man who people look to for leadership of the direction of the entire church body or any specific church institution. But rather I desire to have the ability to help shape the direction to give ideas and to guide the next wave. To be a contributor and I am just saying really, I want to handle the limelight of ministry over (lol... sorry that just made me laugh as I wrote it, ministry people will understand I think).
So if there are more who desire to impact the church by way of business or teaching, or whatever else. Be a leader, get involved, you are important too!