Responses to Prayer
The trip was amazing folks. I just wanted to say thank you to all those who thought of us and prayed for us on the trip.
The drive up through I-5 was uneventful as far as bad drivers, CHP, OSP, and and other authority figures. There was lots of fun conversation and singing along with bands ranging from Linkin Park to N*Sync. We chatted of the most interesteing topics from Favorite Cars, to the troubling theological thoughts that can drive one up a wall.
I did get lots of rest, woke up ready to go, and didn't forget anything in the packing process!
Karina handled meeting all my family with the grace and wit that made me adore her in the first place and so she was probably more fluid with it then even I was. She even helped out a lot with the final wedding snags and was valuable to just about everyone participating. There were very few last minute things to worry about so almost everything went as scheduled and the Wedding went down great.
My sis and bro-in-law are heading out next monday for Cancun, so if you would continue to pray for them that they would have a great honeymoon that would be great.
So once again, thank you to all, my evolving theologians