The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

I am a LUCKY man

⊆ 8:48 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Okay so here is the low down. up until a little over a month ago I had been desperately seeking a relationship. And being continually shut down. It's true, I was ready, I was really wanting to begin to pour into something, and it was not happening.

But when I finally gave up, began to sign the papers for perpetual monasticity, she found me. A friendship, a little myspace comment to catch up, one phone call catching up, some times hanging out, a frightening and yet exciting conversation with her, repeat but 5 times more frightening conversation with parents (those conversations always are, if you aren't scared, you don't care) and grace brought me a wonderful, I dare say amazing woman.

I don't deserve her, I could not earn her if my life depended upon it, but she is here, and much like many times grace acts in our lives, I accept it. I don't understand it, but I am not one to argue with grace. So she is in my life, I am very excited, very happy, and yes still very scared. This relationship has a whole new dynamic to it, I am not repared for it, I bungle it up, stumble and hit my head on a low beam from time to time, but I am gonna fight, I am gonna persevere. This one is gonna challenge me, it already is. But my desire to fight for it, it is strong, and so I will.

Please pray for me, about this, that I will be strong, that I will be sensitive to where God leads me in it, that I will be sensitive to her, that I will be strong, that I will be a good MAN, that I won't screw it up.

Thanks for caring. :)


My trip to Scotland

⊆ 1:22 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Reading through blog of Anne Jackson I realized how much I missed Scotland. For you see Anne jsut returned from a trip to Edinburgh Scotland where I spent 6 weeks of the summer of 2005. And I really miss that place. So Idecided that itw as time to go through th ole Sccotland photos, and because of that I also desired to share them with you. There are more than I posted, but these ones made me smile a great deal. Enjoy! Scotland 2005


NCR in the news? Maybe?

⊆ 11:48 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Well I had my weekly morning cup of Sumatra this morning with my good friend Matt and as we finally gave up and cheated our way through the sunday crossword puzzle my eyes caught the title relating to church attendance among church styles. Needless to say this gathered my interest and I decided to peruse the article.

The article spoke about a comparison and contrast of a "classical" church and a "contemporary" church. The author came from Episcopalian background so I made sure to take the contemporary review with a grain of salt. What caught me though was the near dead on description of the contemporary church as that of NCR. From the "costco sized" parking lot, the "business logo's" and even the praise band setup was dead on for the 17th.

I think our pastor will be quite happy if he comes to the same conclusion as I did about this being our church as the article described him as "young with a full head of dark hair."

I got a lot of laughs after reading this, promptly called Rich who also enjoyed a good laugh with me. Anyways just a fun thought that perhaps, without any names mentioned, my church made it as the opposite end of the "classical" view.

On a side note I really wish the guy had done it a week earlier when Pastor was dressed up as a Mafia Hit Man.


Shout out to Recent Rainfall Music.

⊆ 11:45 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

I got an e-mail today, from the folks over at and I was happy to say that I really did enjoy their new song "Show Your Glory Lord" had some great theological content, a very anthemic cry. So props out to you Recent Rainfall, looking forward to hearing what other great songs you come up with.


The Week in Review 9/24/06

⊆ 10:49 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

So I just wanted to "Video Share" my week with you.


Calling all Visual Artists... Please Respond

⊆ 8:54 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

So here I am, in the midst of a worship production quandary. I am always looking for another way to engage another mind set in worship. And I began to realize that there are people who see words, want to visualize them, and do to some lack of creativity in their brains they simply can't make an image to represent them. And so I thought, how cool would it be, if instead of one simple picture behind a slide that perhaps a picture to actually represent the words actually being said. Pictographic worship anyone?

So here is my dream, my hope, my vision for the future of visual based worship. Either behind the text of the slides, or even better projected on a different surface are images that run with the music being sang, that actually represent the words being sung.

As you can see I picture the image being projected seperately of the slides (these are not viewable in the picture since they are on screens on either side of the stage). Maybe by a hidden projector on stage or above the stage downward? Anyways if anybody knows artists who want to undertake turning praise and worship songs into multiple images, I would love to see what they can do.

Let me know what you think... am I pushing the ADD congregations too far?


It Meez... Thanks Los.. Another addiction

⊆ 4:15 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Saw one of these on Los' site and got jealous so I went and got my own. Check out to get your own.


12 Years ago...

⊆ 3:22 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Was the last time I rode a horse. I was 10, on a guided tour in Wyoming. Today I treated it like such, took it very slow, and had a lot of fun, but I am sure tomorrow will not be very much fun. My girlfriend Karina had fun laughing at me as she grew up riding as well as her friend Merissa. But I handled myself well, never fell, and needed not much help in the way of mounting or dismounting. So overall a fun time. We plan to do it again so next time hopefully there will be pictures proving my cowboy side. Now to shower cause I smell worse than the horse.


Introducing Zach!

⊆ 7:38 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

Just a little video from me, to you!


Big Service... Little Helpers

⊆ 1:26 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

I was getting the lights and everything set for the morning services today, when Rich Kirkpatrick's son Ethan came up and helped his Dad hand out water to our praise Band. Just a small reminder to me that help can come in all ages. Was a great service too.