I am a LUCKY man
⊆ 8:48 AM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ CommentsOkay so here is the low down. up until a little over a month ago I had been desperately seeking a relationship. And being continually shut down. It's true, I was ready, I was really wanting to begin to pour into something, and it was not happening.
But when I finally gave up, began to sign the papers for perpetual monasticity, she found me. A friendship, a little myspace comment to catch up, one phone call catching up, some times hanging out, a frightening and yet exciting conversation with her, repeat but 5 times more frightening conversation with parents (those conversations always are, if you aren't scared, you don't care) and grace brought me a wonderful, I dare say amazing woman.
I don't deserve her, I could not earn her if my life depended upon it, but she is here, and much like many times grace acts in our lives, I accept it. I don't understand it, but I am not one to argue with grace. So she is in my life, I am very excited, very happy, and yes still very scared. This relationship has a whole new dynamic to it, I am not repared for it, I bungle it up, stumble and hit my head on a low beam from time to time, but I am gonna fight, I am gonna persevere. This one is gonna challenge me, it already is. But my desire to fight for it, it is strong, and so I will.
Please pray for me, about this, that I will be strong, that I will be sensitive to where God leads me in it, that I will be sensitive to her, that I will be strong, that I will be a good MAN, that I won't screw it up.
Thanks for caring. :)