Penny for my Thoughts on Peter
I have been thinking of the Reactions of Christians to anything that defies Christ, Christianity, etc...
And usually these reactions that make it to my ears and eyes are through the media, or a blog, which is usually spawned from something from the Media. In this case I am thinking more specifically of the realm of Fantasy Novels and their friction with the Christian mainstream.
When Harry Potter came out, I think many can remember the outrage, picketing, etc... of the Christian community towards this very "satanical literature" which would lead children to flying around on broom sticks and playing aerieal rugby. There was not a lot of kindness to be shared.
Likewise now with Philip Pullman's books His Dark Materials trilogy, and the movie "The Golden Compass." The movement is beginning.
When I hear these things I think of the Garden where Judas brought about the capture of Jesus. When the soldiers came forward to take Jesus, Simon Peter cut off a man's ear with his sword. Jesus promptly reattached the ear and pointed out that this was his duty to handle.
Likewise when someone asks if we are Christians, often time the mainstream answer is to play it off, or sometimes even deny, or makeup another name for what we are. Similar to Peter when he denied Christ three times.
All this to say, I think Peter was the best choice to be the rock of the church, because I think he represents both the positives and the negatives of humanity trying to follow Christ. From the zealousy of defending the faith, to being timid when unsure of how to be a Christian to a stranger.
So take faith Christians, remember in the end it is Christ's fight, and do not worry if you screw up with being faithful to him, he is faithful and just to forgive.
Thanks again for listening,