The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

Back from Oregon... Grandpa LIVES! Other Praises!

So I have been lacking in my updating on my grandpa's health. Well they have took him off ventilation and much to the amazement of all (but not God) he could breathe one his own. More than that his Viral Pneumonia is subsiding, and with a proper diet his congestive heart failure can be held off. And finally for his kidneys, he will be in Dialysis for about 4 hours each day, 3 days a week. Not too bad. Which means, he has some years ahead of him yet, Praise God.

The road trip back was fun, it passed very quickly and Karina and I had plenty of time to meet and chat with her folks. We had left mid-day after having breakfast with my mom. The big news of everything though was that Tuesday morning, we both had interviews with two different prospective employers. Hers was with a debt collection agency to work in their Legal Department, and mine was to work as an Admissions Counselor for my Alma Mater in the Adult Degree Completion Program. And both interviews went very well.

As a matter of fact, just this morning I got a call from Karina, and she has gotten the job with the legal department for the debt collection agency! Praise God again because he has delivered her from "The Man" of Starbucks where her work-life was becoming less and less enjoyable.

Next, I have also received a call, and I am set to meet with one of the VP's for the school for my second interview tomorrow. Which means for the time being I am sidelining finishing my AFLAC exams in hopes of landing this job. So if tomorrow around 3:30 my readers could be praying for me, I am currently not employed, and really desire to take this job.

And I don't mean this job as a "job" but as a career move. I desire to help people improve their lives by making choices to making them more qualified in the work force. These people who will be entering the program had a dream to get a degree and then it got sidelined, I want them back on track.

So all that to say, God is Good, All the Time.
