The thoughts of a newly married, recently graduated, christ-seeking, pastor-to-be

Thomas' Song

⊆ 11:47 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

This was actually written a couple months ago when I was on a silent retreat. I had been pondering the moments of Thomas who for his desire to truly know he has been cast as the “doubter” for so long. I felt for Thomas, and so in this time of contemplation I wrote.

Thomas' Song

Your first act of love, You hid Yourself
In human form, with calloused hands
And in a hateful world, You showed Yourself,
The Son of God, The Son of Man, upon the cross

In the next three days, depression rang loud
Your own beloved friends, brought down in humility
It was that time, to check on You again
But the stone was rolled aside, You had arisen!

I was out about the town, eyes swollen red
Tears streaking down, my travel worn face
The others came forth running, tears of their own
But in the face that should bear grief, I found joy

I was in disbelief, it could not truly be
You had arisen, as You had foretold
I had to see you, to feel the scars
And with no condemnation, You shared your wounds

Those pierced hands, have grasped my own
Those pierced feet, have walked to me
That pierced side, which bled for me
Has given me into, your redemptive reality

Zach Tanksley, 2006


The Modern-Post-Modern

⊆ 11:43 PM by Zach Tanksley | ˜ Comments

There is a general claim towards following a philosophical ideal in many generations, there romanticists, rationalists, naturalists, modernists, and lately there has been the typical reactionary pull from being modern to being post-modern. Well I have decided to jump the gun in my reaction to the post-modern and label myself a nice hybrid of that and its predecessor. I am the modern-post-modern... or MoPoMo.
Modernists were stuck in the concept that everything could be valued and given a sense of being absolute. Post-Modernists throw out the baby with the bath water and claim that there is no absolute truth, no meta-narrative, language is a construct that has become a tool and in some cases perhaps deceived people.
Modernists had something right when they saw absolute truths in somethings. And Post-Modernists have something going when they have the ability to question that truth in search of something greater. But both of these are the typical extremes.
My proposal of being MoPoMo... Especially as a Christian. There are absolute truths in life, there is God. Granted I cannot prove his existence in a scientific way, but I can tell you that some things that have happened have chance of ever happening by scientific means either. But perhaps these truths we do encounter need to be brought into question to make them truly ours. The faith and beliefs of those who came before us cannot be ours unless we make them ours. To follow blindly will simply make us miss the beauty that surrounds everyday life if we do not take it in and try and understand it.
So I am MoPoMo, I have my absolute truths that I stand firm in, but at the same time before I believe it, I will seek out my understanding of it.